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Pet Rescue Skin Care

This AYUSH licenced Ayurvedic medicine is an all-natural aqueous-based product and is used for pets like dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and also for farm animals.

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Pet Rescue Ear Care

This AYUSH licenced Ayurvedic medicine is an all-natural aqueous-based product and is used for pets like dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and also for farm animals.

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Pet Rescue Immunity Care

This AYUSH licenced Ayurvedic medicine is an all-natural aqueous-based product and is used for pets like dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and also for farm animals.

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Pet Rescue Eye Care

This AYUSH licenced Ayurvedic medicine is an all-natural aqueous-based product and is used for pets like dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and also for farm animals.

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Pet Rescue Oral Care

This AYUSH licenced Ayurvedic medicine is an all-natural aqueous-based product and is used for pets like dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and also for farm animals.

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Pet Rescue Series

Dr. Native’s Pet Rescue products are AYUSH licensed, 100% natural medicine and contain silver-100% nanoparticles. Silver, which occurs naturally in whole grains, mushrooms, fish and mammalian milk, has been used for at least six millennia to safeguard health. In 2018, after 15 years of intensive research in the USA, by a globally acclaimed scientist, patented plant stabilized nano silver was created. It has increased benefits than regular (ionic) colloidal silver and is complete safe due to the absence of free ions. This patented plant stabilized colloidal nano silver has properties which allow a myriad of applications in human/animal medicine, antibiotics, hygiene, nutraceuticals and smart cosmetics.


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Dr. Native Green Nanotechnology is USA patented with other regions pending.

This emerging 100% natural clean technology creates tiny nanoscopic particles (10-9 meters) whose properties allow a myriad of applications in medicine, antibiotics, hygiene, nutraceuticals and smart cosmetics.

Green Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field at the cutting edge of engineered science and technology, which is poised to bring about a paradigm shift.

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